Friday, July 23, 2010


I realized that I said something pretty goddamn arrogant in one of these, about Kate and I and where we both are on the road to "adult hood", whatever that is. If I remember it correctly, it was a pretty staggeringly arrogant thing to say. I'm gonna find some time to hunt it down, (not sure whether to hope it's in the posted ones or not...), and... Well, some form of redaction is in order, but I'm not certain enough of what I said, the context, or why I said it to really say what kind of redaction, and what goes along side (like, apologies). But I had to come and mention it, or I'd be brooding about it all night. Anyway. Yeah. Sometimes I'm an idiot?


Found it. N&N 2, at about 8 minutes. The synopsis bit is: "I think that's part of what this single period is going to do for her - bump her over the cusp into womanhood. "

So. Doesn't bother me anymore; it may be arrogant, to think that I know when that transition to "adult hood" occurs, but I can't shake the feeling that it's true. I guess the right way to phrase it mostly just drops the words that carry those heavy connotations; it's not "on the cusp of woman hood" (or, since I was making the same judgement on myself, "man hood"), it's "on the cusp of the next you." The next milestone in personal growth.

But even then, who am I to pass judgement on another like that? Well; answer's pretty simple; I'm a somebody. It's an opinion, like thinking a soup is to salty or a stew to sweet.

The actual arrogance comes from thinking that I know where she should be going - and to a lesser extent, that I know where I should be going - but I also can't shake the feeling that her personality is changing to a new perspective. Then again, as this break up has shown me, I didn't really get to know her all that well, so maybe I just didn't see this part.

Anyway. I guess the take away for me is that I need to watch out more when I think I know what other people need, and look for ways I might be wrong.

The take-away for you is that people who say they know what you should do aren't necessarily right.

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