Thursday, August 12, 2010

I have been keeping myself way, way to busy, and haven't been making sure to carve out time for this. I might have to reduce to once a week for a few weeks, until I'm settled in Seattle.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Friday, August 6, 2010

Bad Nick

No N&N today. I've used up my buffer between packing and traveling*, and while I could have today, we're shipping my sis off to college so it was family day.

* So; left Troy for good. Packing was last week, and this week was Seattle for a job interview and traveling. Good news: I got job! More Good News: I have to pick between Seattle and LA! Blog News: Tomorrow will be me thinking through all this, with the info I've got. What do I want? What do I need? Where can I get these things? But tonight is family night and 5:00 AM drives to airport. The worst time, other than rush hours - waaay to early for reasonable, and just too late for all-nighter.

Monday, August 2, 2010

N&N 8: Unconscious Virtues

About ~10 minutes.



Our Known and Unknown Virtues

Bad Models of Other People
Midlife Crisis
Who is it that directs the change in yourself?

Q: What are my virtues and faults as you, the listener/readers, see?